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BaseBlog overview

What is Baseblog?

BaseBlog is a blog system, written in php. It can work with MySql databases, Sqlite databases and no database, using the filesystem.

BaseBlog manages categories, articles and comments. It has some features that any blog nowday has, like article RSS feeds, hits counting on each page, performance timing and more.

Intended audience

BaseBlog is not intended to a large group of users, but for developers. It's strongest features are the scalability, a well-written code and a good documentation. It's intended to be understood and modified with a minimal effort.

BaseBlog has a very minimal code (34Kbytes compressed, including licences, images, documentation and installation files) that makes it very easy to be read.

Of course, it can be used for managing his own blog (I do: Consider it a minimal but secure and reliable system.

Minimal features / versions.

BaseBlog will run with any php version>=4.0. Regarding the database supports: I've tested the Mysql calls with versions>=5.0, but it should work with lower versions too. Sqlite support is very new, and I'm not so much into it to know compatibilty issues between different versions. The filesystem support will work only with php4.0.3 and newer (due to the "file_get_contents" call, that I've not re-written yet) and only on linux (due to some slashes in the paths. At the moment I have no windows machines to work with, so please wait a little for the full support).

In which direction BaseBlog is going

BaseBlog is trying to become more scalable and reliable. It is very rare for it to have new features, but very common to have some updates and fixes on the code.

If you find a bug or correct some functions or want to be part of the BaseBlog team let me know!

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