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BaseBlog installation page.

Version < 0.3

  1. First steps
  2. Configuring BaseBlog's parameters
  3. Creating/Updating the dabase
  4. Finalising the baseblog installation
  5. Securing the admin pages

1.First steps

First of all download the latest baseblog release clicking here. Uncompress the archive and put the folder in the desidered web-path.

Trying to access the page with your browser should now give you a " database not found" error. Browse to the admin/ folder (or admin/install/ folder to access the installation procedure

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2.Configuring BaseBlog's parameters

Open the file, located in the BaseBlog root directory. In the "database settings" sections you will find four defines that specify, in order:

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3.Creating/Updating the database

Once that you have configured the database settings it's time to create the database's tables. If you are upgrading from a previous version you can simply skip this step.

The easiest way to create the tables is to let the automatic script try to create them for you. You will find a link to this script in the installation pages.

If you like to do it on your own, there is an sql dump file in the BaseBlog root directory, named "dbdump.sql".

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4.Finalising the baseblog installation

If the database has been created and configured correctly you can start enjoying BaseBlog, as there is nothing much left to do. I suggest to delete all the files you don't need, expecially the "install" folder.

It's *really* important that you secure your admin directory, as explained in the following step.

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5.Securing the admin pages

BaseBlog doesn't provide a way to secure the admin pages yet: it leaves this task to you.

The most common way, if you are using apache, is to create the proper .htaccess and .htpasswd files for that folder.

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